Brokerage fee + tax: ¥1,082,400
Stamp tax: ¥10,000
Real estate registration tax (approximate): 2% of asset value*
Fixed asset tax: 1.4% of total asset value:*
Judicial scrivener fee + tax (approximate): ¥220,000
City planning tax: 0.3% of total asset value*
Approximate total cost (low end @ 5% of list price): ¥32,340,000
Approximate total cost (high end @ 7% of list price), : ¥32,956,000
* Total cost of ancillary taxes and fees will be between 6% and 7% of the listed price.
* Taxes calculated using asset value--not market value, which is much higher than asset value.
This house was built in October 2016 on a 86.52 m² lot with a total floor space of 68.98 m².
The house is located in Serigaya 4-Chome, Konan Ward, Yokohama, and is only a 13-minute walk from Kaminagaya Station on the Yokohama Municipal Subway Blue Line.
The bathroom includes a ceiling mounted room dryer (to keep bathroom warm and for reducing mold build-up, a heated laundry dryer, an automatic bathtub (set water temperature, amount of water, timing of heating, etc.), and a bathwater reheating function
The lavatory includes a toilet with a heated bidet and heated toilet seat.
The kitchen includes built-in cupboards, storage space under the stove and sink, a dishwasher, a water purifier, a built-in gas stovetop with 3 burners and a fish grill.
The house further includes storage space/closet in all bedrooms, solar panels on the roof, two air conditioners, an intercom system with a monitor connected to the front door entrance, dimple keys/locks for added security, a double-lock front door, multi-pane glass windows, flooring in all rooms, and a includes a fire alarm system.
The house is connected to city gas, municipal water/sewage lines, and hardwired for high-speed Internet connection.
The neighborhood includes a wholesale supermarket (808 m), standard supermarket (989 m), two junior high schools (504 m and 902 m), two elementary schools (272 m and 565 m), and two kindergartens (635 m and 621 m).
If you would like to see the property, we can schedule a viewing and meet you at the property or take you there from our office!
We can also arrange for any interior upgrades or work that you would like to have done! Please feel free to contact us at +81-(0)45-663-2208 or for more details.
Floor Plan
Exterior (Entrance)
Exterior (Entrance)
(Shoe removal area at entrance)
(Shoe removal area at entrance)
(Shoe removal area at entrance)
Lavatory (1st floor)
Lavatory (1st floor)
Indoor Washing Machine Space
Vanity/Changing Room
Living/Dining Room
Living/Dining Room
Living/Dining Room
First bedroom
First Bedroom
2nd Bedroom
Second Bedroom
Second Bedroom
Third Bedroom
Third Bedroom
Bashamichi Room Annex
Yokohama, Japan
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